Frequently asked questions related to the Ouroboros

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: imta ghadi it7al server?

A: Q2 2024

Q: How do I get on the server?

A: You have to apply for a whitelist here. Applications are currently open

Q: Why only 64 slots?

A: m9awda 3lina, jk, 128 slots are available, walakine anbda 64 and rollout more with time.

Q: Can there be dirty cops?

A: Read the rules.

Q: Can I tell a streamer what’s happening in another stream they aren’t currently part of?

A: No. That’s metagaming. Players can and should only use information they find out in game for themselves. Don’t ruin the story for them or their chat by spoiling what is happening elsewhere. You may think you’re helping but you aren’t.

Q: How do I clear my FiveM cache?

A: We recommend watching this guide - https://youtu.be/9_63Xrrsdgg

Q: I’m dead and no EMS/PD has come to me. What do I do?

A: If there’s no EMS online, after your 6 minute timer has run out, you can press E to spawn at the nearest hospital, this is called “taking the local doctor”.

Q: I keep crashing and running out of memory, what do I do ?

A: lower your Extended Distance Scaling

Last updated