Ouroboros Terminology

This is a list of terminology to be used when on the server, along with the meaning of each word or phrase.

  • nass lmdina = NPCs/AIs/Locals.

  • 7alqek = Microphone.

  • Alaska = Banned/Kicked

  • In my/his/her head = Being AFK (exp. ‘’sbr ndir wahd haja f3a9li ou ana m3ak’’).

  • Jibk = Inventory menu (exp. ‘’chof jibk wash 3andek ...’’).

  • Radio kbir = Discord.

  • sobatk = Player ID.

  • 3adala = Key (i.e. ‘’dir 3adala E’’ - press E).

  • msahed = Lag, Drop fps.

  • n3ass/ghayeb = Disconnect/Relog (i.e. ‘’anmchi n3ass ou nrja3’’ - i will relog).

  • GoPro = Streaming/Recording (i.e. ‘’rani taleq GoPro’’ - I'm streaming rn).

  • 3ayn = Screen (i.e. ‘’ghir f 3aynek chti dk chi’’ - Only in your eyes you saw that thing).

  • 3a9li tar - Game crash (i.e. ‘’3a9li tar’’ - my game crashed).

  • and many more... (dk chi li bqa ghadi t3almo m3a lwa9t)

Last updated